Tell your story “Nobody can tell your story the way you can tell your story.” ― Danielle LaPorte *Form will expand automatically when populated Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Background of flightReason of flight *choose oneTrainingMissionFerry (Cross Country)OtherWhat was the reason of flight?Civil or MilitaryCivilMilitaryMonth of Accidentchoose monthJanuaryFerbruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberMode of Flight *choose oneDayNightNVGWeather ConditionsVisibility at Takeoff *milesUnknown0.5 miles1 mile1.5 miles2 miles2.5 miles3 miles3.5 miles4 miles4.5 miles5 milesCeilings at Takeoff *choose oneUnknown010020030040050060070080090010001100120013001400150016001700180019002000Visibility at time of event *milesUnknown0.5 miles1 mile1.5 miles2 miles2.5 miles3 miles3.5 miles4 miles4.5 miles5 milesCeilings at time of event *choose oneUnknown010020030040050060070080090010001100120013001400150016001700180019002000NarrativeNarrative *Lessons LearnedTraining that helped (or hindered) your recoveryWere you Spatially Disoriented? *YesNoTell us about the Spatial DisorientationPilot DataRatingsie: "IP, PC, CFI, Commercial, etc"Total Flight Hours *enter "0" if unknownNVGenter "0" if unknownHood/Weatherenter "0" if unknownSimulatorenter "0" if unknownContactNamePhone Number (do not include dashes)EmailCan we contact you? *YesNoEmailSubmit